Webinar Date: March 25, 2015, 12:00 – 12:45 EST

During this upcoming webinar, Brock Solutions will share our experience working with manufacturers to educate and align their leadership teams around MES.

A week doesn’t go by where we aren’t asked questions like: What value will MES bring to my bottom line? Doesn’t my ERP solution do this? How do I get started? As companies explore MES the focus is often on the technical solution – while the solution is key, a critical piece of the puzzle is educating and aligning the leadership team so that they have a clear and specific understanding of what MES will do for their business, how it will support their strategic initiatives and what to do (and not do) to ensure implementation success and acceptance on the plant floor. During the webinar we will explore these topics and share practical examples of working with manufacturing execs around MES education. Attendees will walk away with a perspective on what matters to a leadership team considering MES, and how to begin getting the alignment necessary for driving successful MES programs.

Co-Presenters Stephanie Mikelbrencis and John Southcott from Brock Solutions have been providing Executive Education around MES for the last several years, and will be happy to share their perspectives during the webinar. Steph leads Brock’s MES Practice, and John is Brock’s co-CEO and MESA’s past chair. The webinar will be interactive and allow time for questions and answers.

Additional information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyW4oL5iEI4&feature=youtu.be