Brock Solutions is excited to be attending Gartner’s Annual Supply Chain Executive Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on May 14-17th. Brock Solutions is a Gartner client, and has been working with Gartner for several years as both a contributor to and consumer of Gartner research, consulting and advisory services. We have been featured in research and advisory papers related to MES/MOM implementation services, and have deep relationships with the advisory group focused on the Manufacturing space. We look forward to meeting with several of our clients while at the conference, and to catching up with our Gartner reps.

Brock Solutions is a big believer in Gartner and its ecosystem, and consider its research in the real-time MOM/MES and Smart Manufacturing space to be valuable for both Brock Solutions and our customers.

If you are attending the event and want to connect please reach out to Steph Mikelbrencis or Robin Wilson. To see a full list of our partners, click here.

About Gartner

Gartner, Inc. is the world’s leading research and advisory company and a member of the S&P 500. Gartner equips business leaders with indispensable insights, advice and tools to achieve their mission-critical priorities and build the successful organizations of tomorrow. To learn more about how they help decision makers fuel the future of business, visit