Brock Solutions is proud to bring industry insight to the classroom at the University of Waterloo through a guest lecture series provided by Wesley Blankespoor, Senior Technical Leader and UW engineering alum.

In 2019, Brock partnered with the UW Engineering IDEAs Clinic to provide students with hands-on engineering experience. We are pleased to be able to continue our partnership with UW and our ongoing investment into promoting a fulfilling career that impacts society.

During the month of November, Wesley will be guest lecturing in the 4th year mechatronics course and the 1st year introductory engineering course. In these lectures, he will discuss topics around system integration and provide professional expertise through real-world problems.

“Engineering is a practical profession that requires both knowing and doing. UW is providing a great mix of knowledge through coursework and practice through labs, clinics, and co-ops. Integrating guest lectures accelerates this learning through sharing how elements of the student’s education fit into the bigger picture,” – Wesley Blankespoor.

Wesley has also been invited to author on an academic paper for the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference in 2022.