In March 2018, Brock Solutions committed to becoming a more environmentally sustainable organization. Starting at their head office in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, Brock Solutions set a goal with Waste Management to increase the office’s waste diversion by approximately 50% by year end to coincide with the Canadian average.

Within only five months of implementing organic bins, Brock Solutions is thrilled to announce that the company has not only reached its goal but surpassed it by diverting 103% more waste as of December 2018.

“It is crucial that organizations integrate corporate social responsibility into their visions in this day and age, even if that consists of starting small with double-sided printing or carpooling to work,” says Aleksandra Lazarevic, the sustainability program lead.

The roll-out of organic bins was accompanied by Lunch and Learns and improved signage within its office spaces to help educate staff.

“I am so thrilled to see how quickly everyone at our Kitchener office has adopted this initiative, their eagerness to help out and excitement for this transformative journey towards a sustainable triple bottom line,” said Lazarevic.

Overall, this improvement in Brock Solutions’ diversion rate has benefitted the surrounding ecosystem by preventing the deforestation of 268 trees, conserving 109,459 Kw-Hr of electricity, saving 135,498 gallons of water, and avoiding 81 MT of GhG emissions into the atmosphere.

Brock Solutions will finish rolling out its waste diversion solutions to all offices in the United States and Canada by 2020, starting in Vancouver this fall.