Engineering Solutions that Perform

We plan to tackle several subjects that we think are of interest to the space in the market that we term “real time operational solutions”. For us that includes industrial/manufacturing and transportation and logistics organizations and the companies that serve them.

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Uncovering Operational Technology Cyber Security Risk

Uncovering Operational Technology Cyber Security Risk

As an IT professional, you have probably made it your mission to ensure you have an effective cyber security program in place to cover your organization’s entire enterprise. It has been almost a year since we last spoke on this topic, and in that time the importance...
Critical Success Factors for the Digital Journey – Cyber Security

Critical Success Factors for the Digital Journey – Cyber Security

Continuing our series of ‘Critical Success Factors for the Digital Journey’ we now focus on a subject that is an integral piece of the puzzle – cyber security. This is an extremely relevant topic for many customers out there who are looking to go digital but may be...