Engineering Solutions that Perform

We plan to tackle several subjects that we think are of interest to the space in the market that we term “real time operational solutions”. For us that includes industrial/manufacturing and transportation and logistics organizations and the companies that serve them.

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Translating Manifest Data to Invoices in Half the Time

Translating Manifest Data to Invoices in Half the Time

At Rosslare Europort, each shipping line uses unique codes to communicate vehicle information, resulting in the need to manually process manifests. Discover how Brock Solutions created a port standard to automate the entry of invoiceable data, saving Rosslare’s...
Brock’s Digital Automation Accelerators

Brock’s Digital Automation Accelerators

When it comes to automation, does your plant floor equipment have one of everything?  Different varieties of control systems, different vintages, different connectivity?  Do you want to go digital, but feel like this mess of inconsistent automation, in some cases no...
SmartWater: Modernizing Water Treatment

SmartWater: Modernizing Water Treatment

The water treatment industry is a critical part of any regional infrastructure and in many cases facilities are suffering through many inefficiencies and even becoming vulnerable to online attacks as the landscape changes. In the video below Joseph Donohue talks about...