Last week Brock Solutions hosted Making Waves – An Idea-Exchange for the Water Community. In case you missed it, or have a keen interest in reviewing some of the content, everything you need to know is right here.

Our vision of ‘the future’ is always changing. Technological advancements and new information challenge us to re-examine our perspectives, priorities, and processes regularly. It was in this spirit that we asked industry leaders to address the water community at our Making Waves summit. These sessions really resonated with our audience.

We know that the water industry is not immune to complications and threats facing our growing, hyper-connected world. Regions and municipalities around the globe have had to respond quickly to the changing landscape and each have a story to tell. Our speakers shared valuable insights and amusing anecdotes regarding how they’re innovating to modernize their facilities and better serve their communities.

Session 01

Addressing Modern Risks with Cyber Security

Pet Becher, Executive Director of Mohawk Valley Water Authority Addresses modern risks with cyber security

Patrick Becher, Executive Director of the Mohawk Valley Water Authority, kicks off the event with their journey to modernizing Mohawk’s digital landscape and the story of how Cyber Security can change a water authority’s plans almost overnight. Patrick talks not only about water advancements, but also about how his team is addressing a number of risks by modernizing their Operational Technology, people and processes. Hear the story of how the narrative changed for the Water Authority almost immediately after 9/11 and the evolution of operations that resulted.

Session 02

SCADA: Back to the Future

Pet Becher, Executive Director of Mohawk Valley Water Authority Addresses modern risks with cyber security

In our second session, Ryan Snider discusses the Region of Waterloo’s recent SCADA upgrade program. He covers the entire upgrade process from the early stage planning and preparation through the tendering process and into the early commissioning phases. Throughout the presentation, Ryan shares the knowledge and insight the Region has gathered through its automation and controls partner for this project, Brock Solutions, as well as the procedural and technological improvements the Region has undertaken to bring its operating technology environment into the modern era. By the end of the presentation, you will walk away with some best practices that will help your municipality navigate the many challenges of performing a major SCADA uplift.

Session 03

Process Automation & Instrumentation Design Standards (PAIDS)

Pet Becher, Executive Director of Mohawk Valley Water Authority Addresses modern risks with cyber security

In our third Session, Claudio Cuffolo, Manager of SCADA/Automation at the Region of Peel shares the region’s journey in developing their Process Automation & Instrumentation Design Standards (PAIDS).  Claudio describes the motivating factors to develop these standards, their evolution, as well as the overall benefits the region is achieving from their implementation and enforcement.  Finally, Claudio speaks about next steps for these standards as new and exciting technologies become available and what the future of Process Automation and Instrumentation Design may look like at the Region of Peel.

Session 04

SMARTWATER: Practical Solutions Capitalizing On The Digital Wave

Pet Becher, Executive Director of Mohawk Valley Water Authority Addresses modern risks with cyber security

Joseph Donohue and Dave Haller from Brock Solutions explore how smart, interconnected devices and applications can be used to build a modern SmartWater platform. They walk through a demonstration, built on Ignition, that showcases how the fusion of data from typically isolated systems can be used to give a much more robust picture of water & waste-water operations, and the value that can be realized therein. They then examine real-world applications for IIOT devices and technology, and how they are being used to help those in the industry today. To close the session they dive into Digital Twin concepts, and how they can be folded into the platform to assist with operational troubleshooting and issue resolution.

Making Waves was designed as an idea-exchange for the water community hosted by Brock Solutions. We believe that growth is an open dialogue, and that we can all prepare better for the future when equipped with wisdom gained through shared experiences. We all succeed together, and this event wouldn’t have been possible without the generous contributions of our speakers and audience.

Please check out our Making Waves session videos and send us an email to continue to conversation.