Over the past year, we have seen an increasing trend towards quick-to-value project methodologies. We often hear “How can I see ROI sooner?”, or “We can’t wait 6 to 9 months to find out that this isn’t what our users need.” For companies seeking ways to get started on a digital journey, rethinking project methodology to be more cyclical and iterative could benefit your organization immensely. We hope this video helps to define the Agile approach, and help you gauge if it could work for you.

In this video, we touch on several key areas based on our experience working in an agile framework:

1. A brief overview of the methodology;
2. An example of an agile implementation;
3. Review potential benefits and challenges of this approach;

If you would like to learn more about our perspectives on agile, or how it may help your business, contact us and we would be happy to share our learnings.

If you found this video helpful, feel free to check out our other educational videos such as How to Get Started With MES.