Engineering Solutions that Perform

We plan to tackle several subjects that we think are of interest to the space in the market that we term “real time operational solutions”. For us that includes industrial/manufacturing and transportation and logistics organizations and the companies that serve them.

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Engineering as a Service: Focus on Speed and Driving Value

Engineering as a Service: Focus on Speed and Driving Value

The “…as a Service” phenomenon is no longer just for Software or Infrastructure.  Learn how Brock’s Engineering as a Service (EaaS) model is being adopted by manufacturers across industries. Brock’s EaaS is designed to help manufacturers: Go Faster Laser-Focus...
How COVID-19 Is Impacting The Factory Floor (Part 1)

How COVID-19 Is Impacting The Factory Floor (Part 1)

At this point, I think we’re all tired of reading the typical preamble that accompanies any discussion of COVID-19 – yes, it’s changing our lives, and yes things won’t be the same as they were.  What’s really interesting at this particular snapshot in time, and what...
Four Keys to Maintaining Digital Momentum

Four Keys to Maintaining Digital Momentum

Maintaining momentum is arguably one of the most important measures of leading a successful digital transformation. After all, if you can keep your stakeholders engaged, excited, and anxious in anticipation of the journey and all the value it will bring, you’re off to...
IoT or MES – How to Decide

IoT or MES – How to Decide

“It’s uncanny” my colleague said “how many conversations I’ve had in the last 3 months that started with ‘Do we need full-blown MES?  Is there a lighter version?  Seems to be top-of-mind these days.” And so another Brock VLOG was born… Many of our manufacturing...